Welcome to the website of Ulverstone PCEA
Refer the Photo archive for some images of church life and fellowship
Refer the Newsletters page for copies of the weekly bulletin
News and Events
New ministry commencement - 22 May 2022

Lord's Day 22 May was a milestone in the life of the congregation as Zach Dotson commenced his ministry here. Zach delivered sermons on the subjects of:
Hosea 10:12b
Break up your fallow ground
1 Corinthians 2:2
Nothing known but Christ and Him crucified
These can be found here.
Pictured here with Zach and Wilma are Archie and Jayne.
Hosea 10:12b
Break up your fallow ground
1 Corinthians 2:2
Nothing known but Christ and Him crucified
These can be found here.
Pictured here with Zach and Wilma are Archie and Jayne.
Zach and Wilma arrival - 19 May 2022

A much anticipated event occurred on the 19th May when Zach and Wilma Dotson, together with Archie and Jayne arrived at Devonport Airport. This followed many hours of flight from the US. Zach is applying to become a minister of the PCEA and commences as full time ministerial supply.
A very happy group representing the congregation gathered to welcome them at the airport.
Zach will commence preaching this coming Lord's Day 22nd May, with services taking place at 10:30 AM and 4:00 PM.
Refer the photo archive for a higher res version of the photo shown here.
A very happy group representing the congregation gathered to welcome them at the airport.
Zach will commence preaching this coming Lord's Day 22nd May, with services taking place at 10:30 AM and 4:00 PM.
Refer the photo archive for a higher res version of the photo shown here.
Baptisms and new members - 6 March 2022

We enjoyed the blessing of new members and baptisms on Lord's Day 6th March.
Our Interim Moderator, Rev Andres Miranda and his wife Andrea were able to travel over for the weekend.
The new members received were Wilma Fry, Andrew Hamilton and Matilda Hamilton. Matilda joined us with profession of faith and baptism.
We also observed the baptism of three children, Kyra and Lewis Hamilton, and Logan Keast.
The photo show here was taken on the occasion.
Very joyful news was received on the 11th March concerning the granting of the Visa for Zach and Wilma Dotson. They are due to arrive on the 19th May. We look forward to the commencement of Zachs supply ministry here.
Our Interim Moderator, Rev Andres Miranda and his wife Andrea were able to travel over for the weekend.
The new members received were Wilma Fry, Andrew Hamilton and Matilda Hamilton. Matilda joined us with profession of faith and baptism.
We also observed the baptism of three children, Kyra and Lewis Hamilton, and Logan Keast.
The photo show here was taken on the occasion.
Very joyful news was received on the 11th March concerning the granting of the Visa for Zach and Wilma Dotson. They are due to arrive on the 19th May. We look forward to the commencement of Zachs supply ministry here.
July 2021
Presbyterian Banner Ulverstone feature edition |
Return to onsite services - from 5th July 2020
Following 3 months of online services due to the pandemic we resumed onsite services on the 5th July. The regular morning service now takes place at 10:30 AM. We give thanks for the exceptional online ministry over this time of Zach Dotson. Zach's audio sermons can be found on our Audio sermons page for 2020. A special highlight is his series on TULIP preached between 17th May and 14th June.
Following 3 months of online services due to the pandemic we resumed onsite services on the 5th July. The regular morning service now takes place at 10:30 AM. We give thanks for the exceptional online ministry over this time of Zach Dotson. Zach's audio sermons can be found on our Audio sermons page for 2020. A special highlight is his series on TULIP preached between 17th May and 14th June.
Online services - from 29 March 2020

Due to the restrictions surrounding public meetings we have changed service delivery to online for the present. We will use the Zoom application. For details please phone Ian on 03 6431 2934 or email on [email protected].
Special services - 22 March 2020

The services on the 22nd March marked a special day in the life of the congregation. Visiting student Zach Dotson from the RPCNA preached on the theme of the Corona virus pandemic currently impacting the world and our nation heavily.
Zachs' sermons on the subject can be found here:
Sermons 2020
It has been a blessing to have Zach, Wilma and Archie visit and we pray that the God will direct theirs and ours future plans.
Due to the pandemic and the requirements for social distancing, our regular onsite services go into recess until further notice.
Zachs' sermons on the subject can be found here:
Sermons 2020
It has been a blessing to have Zach, Wilma and Archie visit and we pray that the God will direct theirs and ours future plans.
Due to the pandemic and the requirements for social distancing, our regular onsite services go into recess until further notice.
Student visit - March 2020

The congregation received a special visit from Student Zachary Dotson, his wife Wilma and son Archie during March. Zach is currently ministering within the RPCNA in Newburgh New York. Highlights of their visit have included the Lords Day services with Zach preaching from a range of Old Testament and New Testament passages. In addition Zach has led the Thursday midweek meeting and two devotions at an overnight fellowship camp at Lake Barrington. On the 14th March Zach and Wilma were able to meet with the Southern Presbytery at Melbourne. We look forward to exploring Zachs interest in ministering with the congregation further.
Pictured here is the morning get together at Camp site on the 7th March.
Pictured here is the morning get together at Camp site on the 7th March.
Baptism - Dec 2019

We rejoiced in another Baptism on the 1st December. Our interim moderator Rev Andres Miranda travelled from Victoria to lead the service and to Baptise Fletcher Keast. His sermon was taken from Jeremiah 18:1-12 on the subject of "Like clay in the Potter's hand". There were also a number of family visiting for the special event. We enjoyed the monthly fellowship lunch afterwards.
Pictured with Fletcher are parents Paul and Tahlee.
We also presented the annual Sunday School awards at this service. It was great to acknowledge the work of our students over the year.
Pictured with Fletcher are parents Paul and Tahlee.
We also presented the annual Sunday School awards at this service. It was great to acknowledge the work of our students over the year.
New Deacons - Aug 2019

We received two new Deacons on the 25th August. Luke Keast and Cameron Hamilton were ordained and inducted at the service led by interim moderator Rev Andres Miranda. We give thanks to God for these men and look forward to the extra assistance they will bring to the congregation.
Pictured left to right were the office bearers present: Ian Hamilton, Andres Miranda, Luke Keast, Cameron Hamilton and Robert Hingston.
Pictured left to right were the office bearers present: Ian Hamilton, Andres Miranda, Luke Keast, Cameron Hamilton and Robert Hingston.
New members - Aug 2019

We rejoiced in welcoming Martin and Emma Pilgrim into membership of the congregation on the 25th August. Martin and Emma have transferred from the Southern Presbyterian Church with whom we have longstanding and rich fellowship.
Winter Car Rally - July 2019

Four eager teams of drivers took part in the winter car rally on the 13th July. The course took the teams through the towns of Ulverstone, Penguin and Natone before a lunch stop at the Blythe Heads at Heybridge.
The afternoon stage went back through Penguin to finish at the church.
With a very close finish Steve and Julie Kingston were successful with 1st place!
We look forward to them setting next years course – the 25th.
The afternoon stage went back through Penguin to finish at the church.
With a very close finish Steve and Julie Kingston were successful with 1st place!
We look forward to them setting next years course – the 25th.
Baptism - Feb 2019

We rejoiced in the Baptism of Jensen Keast on the 17th February. Rev Andres Miranda travelled from Victoria to lead the service. His sermon was taken from Isaiah 60 on the subject of Revival and Remaking. There were also a number of family visiting for the special event, some from New Zealand and others from Canberra. We enjoyed a great fellowship lunch afterwards.
Pictured with Jensen are parents Luke and Tessa.
Pictured with Jensen are parents Luke and Tessa.
Winter Car Rally - July 2018

This years winter car rally (23rd) took us from Ulverstone to Turners Beach, then Devonport and Spreyton before stopping for lunch at the community park in Railton. Pictured here are the competitors doing their Pictionary test before heading off on the afternoon stage. This took us to Sheffield where we had a number of clues to find from the town and murals. Then off to a circuit of Nook and finishing at Latrobe late in the afternoon. This year's winners - Esther, Sandra, Ian, Belinda and Melody! A great course set by Niklavs, Matthew and team.
New members - May 2018

On the 20 May we were blessed in receiving three new young members into the congregation. These were Paul Keast, Tahlee Briggs and Simone Hamilton.
Paul has transferred to us from Canberra CRC and Tahlee and Simone were received on profession of faith. Tahlee had the additional privilege of receiving baptism. Rev Andres Miranda took his text from John 5:1-15, emphasising the need of a committed and focussed response to the Gospel message, one evidenced by a new walk with Christ that leaves behind the old ways. Following the sermon we rejoiced in sitting together at the Lord's Supper.
Paul has transferred to us from Canberra CRC and Tahlee and Simone were received on profession of faith. Tahlee had the additional privilege of receiving baptism. Rev Andres Miranda took his text from John 5:1-15, emphasising the need of a committed and focussed response to the Gospel message, one evidenced by a new walk with Christ that leaves behind the old ways. Following the sermon we rejoiced in sitting together at the Lord's Supper.